HIT Active Stable® – concept
Horses are gregarious animals whose basic needs are geared towards life in the steppes, where most of their daily ritual revolves around feeding and covering long distances.

Active stable planning and consulting
The HIT Active Stable consultants develop individual husbandry concepts in close cooperation with the customers, in which all needs of the horses, the horse owners and the stable operators are met.

Automated feeders and feeding racks
The key to health and wellbeing is horse-appropriate feeding. Besides good quality feed, horses need regular meals spread evenly throughout the day.

Horse arena and trail footing
Access to a horse-friendly arena without mud provides the ideal basis for horses to get ample exercise and practice their natural behaviour, namely playing and rolling.

Resting area design
Soft, dry and easily formable – this is how horse-friendly resting areas should be, which is precisely why horses love standing and lying on HIT equestrian beds.

Strategic consulting, talks and seminars
Am I satisfied with my life? Is my job fun and fulfilling as well as being financially successful? If you can answer these questions with a clear “yes” you can carry on with your work as usual. If, however, there is any degree of uncertainty, then read on!
Change of direction towards 100% husbandry
The horse scene in a period of transition
Today’s horse scene is in a period of great transition. The old, traditional methods of keeping horses are being increasingly called into question, or are subject to legal restraints or even bans. This has prompted a change of direction among many responsible horse owners, who are looking for meaningful ways of improving their own horse husbandry. They are on the lookout for viable concepts which allow them to create species-appropriate husbandry conditions which also comply with the laws, cause less work and are both affordable and cost-efficient. The HIT Active Stable is the perfect answer to the horse owners prayers for a change of direction! It meets all the necessary requirements to create species-appropriate and sustainable husbandry conditions. In a HIT Active Stable, the horses live in a group and get continual exercise in the structured runs and on the circular trails.
They receive their feed automatically and spread throughout the day. The labour requirement in a HIT Active Stable is greatly reduced and the working times are also considerably more flexible in comparison with traditional husbandry. Over the last few years hundreds of outstanding HIT Active Stables have been planned and implemented true to the saying: “putting our heart and soul into people and horses”.
The ever-growing number of very satisfied Active Stall operators and horse owners clearly illustrates the quality and excellence of the HIT Active Stable. There are also numerous wonderful flagship projects, which are paving the way towards the future trend of 100% group husbandry.
Turn your equestrian business into a flagship project too!